various papers and news sites

20160404 Redstone Rocket

Sans commentaire.

L’histoire d’un homme tranquille, un vétéran du Vietnam: Sometimes it was very exciting. Sometimes it was very scary.

Je ne sais pas exactment à quoi correpond ce “Redstone Rocket”. Il s’agit probablement de la feuille locale d’une ville militaire, le Redstone Arsenal.



20130506 BBC website

Missing plane wreck found in Russia’s Ural Mountains

[…] The grouse hunters found the charred An-2 biplane about 8km (5 miles) from the airfield on Saturday evening. It was suspected that the pilot had taken the biplane for an unauthorised flight with a group of friends, who he had been drinking with – including the chief of the local traffic police.

20121029 The International Herald Tribune (The International Herald Tribune), Kindle Highlight Loc. 61-62

There is a culture of avoiding knowledge so as to evade responsibility.

20120726 The International Herald Tribune (The International Herald Tribune) , Kindle Highlight Loc. 122-25  

One Qaeda operative, a 56-year-old known as Abu Thuha who lives near Kirkuk, Iraq, spoke to an Iraqi reporter for The New York Times on Tuesday. ‘‘We have experience now fighting the Americans, and more experience now with the Syrian revolution,’’ he said. ‘‘Our big hope is to form a Syrian-Iraqi Islamic state for all Muslims, and then announce our war against Iran and Israel, and free Palestine.’’

Source of figure:

20120726 The International Herald Tribune (The International Herald Tribune), Kindle Highlight Loc. 143-46

A comment very much along the lines of what I call Somalization (*): where we used to have  a country, we now have several political units and chaos. Applies to Somalia, Sudan, Mali, Congo… This is also, I think, the ultimate fate of the “Arab Spring.” Divide ut regnas? Le Nouveau Moyen-âge ? (Minc)

Daniel Byman, a counterterrorism specialist who is a professor at Georgetown University in Washington and a fellow at the Brookings Institution, said it was clear that Al Qaeda was trying to become more active in Syria. As they have already done in Somalia and Mali, and before that in Chechnya and Yemen, the group is trying to turn a local conflict to its advantage.

(*) I just discovered (20120801) that the concept of “somalization” has been around for some time, and that I has even be used by Gheddafi himself about Lybia. For the example of Somalia, see source of map.

20120721 The International Herald Tribune (The International Herald Tribune) Kindle Highlight Loc. 2368-73

Today, the world is like a cocktail party at which everybody is suffering from indigestion or some other internal ailment. People are interacting with each other, but they’re mostly focused on the godawful stuff going on inside. Europe has the euro mess. The Middle East has the Arab Spring. The U.S. has the economic stagnation and the debt. The Chinese have their perpetual growth and stability issues. It’s not multi-polarity; it’s multi-problemarity. As a result, this is more of an age of anxiety than of straight-up conflict. Leaders are looking around warily at who might make their problems better and who might make them worse. There are fewer close alliances and fewer sworn enemies. There are more circumstances in which nations are ambiguously attached.

20120721 The International Herald Tribune (The International Herald Tribune): Europe’s poisonous wars of religion BOOK REVIEW BY DAMON LINKER, THE NEW RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE Overcoming the Politics of Fear in an Anxious Age. By Martha C. Nussbaum. 285 pages. The Belknap Press/Harvard University Press, $26.95; £19.95.

Mitt Romney’s stump speech during the Republican primaries was filled with appeals to his party’s conservative base, but none consistently inspired more heartfelt cheers than his promise to ‘‘stop the days of apologizing for success at home and never again apologize for America abroad.’’ The statement speaks to the widely held suspicion on the right that liberals in general, and Barack Obama in particular, prefer other forms of democracy (especially those that prevail in Europe) to the American way of life. Martha C. Nussbaum’s new book could serve as Exhibit A in liberalism’s defense against this charge. The author of 17 previous books on a wide range of topics — from classical Greek philosophy and tragic drama to modern law, literature and ethics — Ms. Nussbaum is one of America’s leading liberal thinkers. In ‘‘The New Religious Intolerance,’’ she turns her attention to the rise of antireligious — and specifically anti-Muslim — zealotry since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Though she writes in her opening chapter that intolerance disfigures ‘‘all Western societies,’’ it quickly becomes clear that there have been far fewer incidents of bigotry in the United States than in Europe — because of America’s vastly superior approach to guaranteeing the rights of religious minorities. When it comes to freedom to worship, at least, Ms. Nussbaum is an unabashed proponent of American exceptionalism. Not that she would want to put it that way. Convinced that evenhandedness is both a moral and an intellectual virtue, Ms. Nussbaum begins by citing anti-Muslim incidents on both sides of the Atlantic. In the United States, there have been efforts to proscribe the use of Shariah law in wills, marriages and other civil contracts, as well as the dozens of examples of mosques facing vandalism or public protest. In Europe, meanwhile, France and Belgium passed laws prohibiting Muslim women from wearing the burqa in public at the same time that 57 percent of voters in a Swiss referendum supported a ban on building minarets outside mosques. Then there is the Norwegian fanatic Anders Behring Breivik, who said he was motivated to kill 77 people in two attacks in July 2011 out of a desire to fight the supposed Islamization of Europe. As Ms. Nussbaum notes, the American and European developments differ in important ways. Above all, she writes, nothing in the United States ‘‘even remotely approaches the nationwide and regional bans on Islamic dress in Europe, or the nationwide Swiss minaret referendum’’ — let alone an anti-Islamic massacre. In Ms. Nussbaum’s view, the difference in severity stems from divergent views of national identity. Whereas European nations tend to ‘‘conceive of nationhood and national belonging in ethno-religious and cultural-linguistic terms,’’ the United States associates citizenship with the affirmation of an ideal of freedom that explicitly precludes the persecution of religious minorities. She suggests that Europe migrate to ‘‘a more inclusive and political definition of national belonging, in which land, ethnicity and religion would be less important than shared political ideals.’’ The core of the book explores three preconditions of securing religious liberty for minorities — and in all of them the United States does a much better job than Europe. First, a nation must commit itself to protecting the greatest possible freedom of conscience that is compatible with public order and safety, a principle that the United States codifies in the First Amendment’s disestablishment of religion and guarantee of religious free exercise. Although there is disagreement on the current Supreme Court about which religious practices should be shielded from political regulation, these differences are minor compared with the gulf that separates American attitudes from prevailing opinions in Europe, where every nation has (or once had) a Christian establishment and so feels justified in placing greater limits on the religious freedom of minorities. The second precondition of religious liberty is an impartial and consistent civic culture. On this measure, Europe fares especially badly, as Ms. Nussbaum demonstrates by methodically exposing the double standards and bias at play in arguments for banning the burqa. Finally, there is the need for ‘‘sympathetic imagination’’ on the part of citizens. Here the United States has long taken the lead, cultivating respect for religious differences since the 17th century, when Roger Williams founded Rhode Island, the ‘‘first colony (anywhere in the world, it seems) in which genuine religious liberty obtained for all.’’ In Europe, there is obviously a much greater need for her message of tolerance. Yet one also wonders whether Ms. Nussbaum could have used a bit more sympathetic imagination in analyzing European anxieties about Muslim minorities. America’s Muslim minority is considerably smaller and less radicalized by Islamic ideology than those living in many European countries, making tolerance considerably easier to practice. Damon Linker is the commentary editor of Newsweek/The Daily Beast and the author, most recently, of ‘‘The Religious Test: Why We Must Question the Beliefs of Our Leaders.’’  

20120721 The International Herald Tribune (The International Herald Tribune): The trouble with online education BY MARK EDMUNDSON

‘Ah, you’re a professor. You must learn so much from your students.’’ This line, which I’ve heard in various forms, always makes me cringe. Do people think that lawyers learn a lot about the law from their clients? That patients teach doctors much of what they know about medicine? Yet latent in the sentiment that our students are our teachers is an important truth. We do in fact need to learn from them, but not about the history of the Roman Empire or the politics of ‘‘Paradise Lost.’’ Understanding what it is that students have to teach teachers can help us to deal with one of the most vexing issues now facing colleges and universities: online education. At my school, the University of Virginia, that issue did more than vex us; it came close to tearing the university apart. A few weeks ago our president, Teresa A. Sullivan, was summarily dismissed and then summarily reinstated by the university’s board of visitors. One reason for her dismissal was the perception that she was not moving forward fast enough on Internet learning. Stanford was doing it, Harvard, Yale and M.I.T. too. But Virginia, it seemed, was lagging. Just this week, in fact, it was announced that Virginia, along with a number of other universities, signed on with a company called Coursera to develop and offer online classes. But can online education ever be education of the very best sort? It’s here that the notion of students teaching teachers is illuminating. As a friend and fellow professor said to me: ‘‘You don’t just teach students, you have to learn ’em too.’’ It took a minute — it sounded like he was channeling Huck Finn — but I figured it out. With every class we teach, we need to learn who the people in front of us are. We need to know where they are intellectually, who they are as people and what we can do to help them grow. Teaching, even when you have a group of a hundred students on hand, is a matter of dialogue. In the summer Shakespeare course I’m teaching now, I’m constantly working to figure out what my students are able to do and how they can develop. Can they grasp the contours of Shakespeare’s plots? If not, it’s worth adding a well-made film version of the next play to the syllabus. Is the language hard for them, line to line? Then we have to spend more time going over individual speeches word by word. Are they adept at understanding the plot and the language? Time to introduce them to the complexities of Shakespeare’s rendering of character. Every memorable class is a bit like a jazz composition. There is the basic melody that you work with. It is defined by the syllabus. But there is also a considerable measure of improvisation against that disciplining background. Something similar applies even to larger courses. We tend to think that the spellbinding lecturers we had in college survey classes were gifted actors who could strut and fret 50 amazing minutes on the stage. But I think that the best of those lecturers are highly adept at reading their audiences. They use practical means to do this — tests and quizzes, papers and evaluations. But they also deploy something tantamount to artistry. They are superb at sensing the mood of a room. They have a sort of pedagogical sixth sense. They feel it when the class is engaged and when it slips off. And they do something about it. Their every joke is a sounding. A large lecture class can also create genuine intellectual community. Students will always be running across others who are also enrolled, and they’ll break the ice with a chat about it and maybe they’ll go on from there. When a teacher hears a student say, ‘‘My friends and I are always arguing about your class,’’ he knows he’s doing something right. From there he folds what he has learned into his teaching, adjusting his course in a fluid and immediate way that the Internet professor cannot easily match. Online education is a one-size-fits-all endeavor. It tends to be a monologue and not a real dialogue. The Internet teacher, even one who responds to students via e-mail, can never have the immediacy of contact that the teacher on the scene can, with his sensitivity to unspoken moods and enthusiasms. This is particularly true of online courses for which the lectures are already filmed and in the can. It doesn’t matter who is sitting out there on the Internet watching; the course is what it is. Not long ago I watched a pre-filmed online course from Yale about the New Testament. It was a very good course. The instructor was hyper-intelligent, learned and splendidly articulate. But the course wasn’t great and could never have been. There were Yale students on hand for the filming, but the class seemed addressed to no one in particular. It had an anonymous quality. In fact there was nothing you could get from that course that you couldn’t get from a good book on the subject. A truly memorable college class, even a large one, is a collaboration between teacher and students. It’s a one-time-only event. Learning at its best is a collective enterprise, something we’ve known since Socrates. You can get knowledge from an Internet course if you’re highly motivated to learn. But in real courses the students and teachers come together and create an immediate and vital community of learning. A real course creates intellectual joy, at least in some. I don’t think an Internet course ever will. Internet learning promises to make intellectual life more sterile and abstract than it already is — and also, for teachers and for students alike, far more lonely. MARK EDMUNDSON, a professor of English at the University of Virginia, is the author of ‘‘Why Read?’’  

20120625 The International Herald Tribune (The International Herald Tribune): Piles of coal in China point to slowdown Plant managers pressed to post figures that make local officials look better Reuters Rising stocks of coal at Chinese ports suggest that the country is using less power. That reality runs counter to the data submitted by some local officials, which indicate no slowdown. BY KEITH BRADSHER

An interesting article about the many proxies that can be used for forecasting!

HONG KONG — As the Chinese economy continues to sputter, prominent corporate executives in China and Western economists say there is evidence that local and provincial officials are falsifying economic statistics to disguise the true depth of the troubles. Record-setting mountains of excess coal have accumulated at the biggest storage areas in the country because power plants are burning less coal in the face of tumbling electricity demand. But local and provincial government officials have forced plant managers not to report to Beijing the full extent of the slowdown, power sector executives said. Electricity production and consumption have been considered a telltale sign of a variety of economic activity. They are widely viewed by foreign investors and even some Chinese officials as the gold standard for measuring what is really happening in the country’s economy, because the gathering and reporting of data in China are not considered as reliable as they are in many other countries. Indeed, officials in some cities and provinces are also overstating economic output, corporate revenue, corporate profits and tax receipts, the corporate executives and economists said. The officials do so by urging businesses to keep separate sets of books, showing improving business results and tax payments that do not exist. The executives and economists roughly estimated that the effect of the inaccurate statistics was to inflate falsely a variety of economic indicators by one or two percentage points. That may be enough to make very bad economic news look merely bad. The executives and economists requested anonymity for fear of jeopardizing their relationship with the Chinese authorities, on whom they depend for data and business deals. The National Bureau of Statistics, the government agency in Beijing that compiles most of the country’s economic statistics, denied that economic data had been overstated. ‘‘This is not rooted in evidence,’’ an agency spokeswoman said. Some still express confidence in the official statistics. Mark Mobius, the executive chairman of Templeton Emerging Markets Group, cited the reported electricity figures when he expressed skepticism that the Chinese economy had real difficulties. ‘‘I don’t think the economic activity is that bad — just look at the electricity production,’’ he said. But an economist with ties to the agency said that officials had begun making inquiries after detecting signs that electricity numbers might have been overstated. Questions about the quality and accuracy of Chinese economic data are longstanding, but the concerns now being raised are unusual. This year is the first time since 1989 that a sharp economic slowdown has coincided with the once-a-decade changeover in the country’s top leadership. Officials at all levels of government are under pressure to report good economic results to Beijing as they wait for promotions, demotions and transfers to cascade down from Beijing. So narrower and seemingly more obscure measures of economic activity are being falsified, according to the executives and economists. ‘‘The government officials don’t want to see the negative,’’ so they tell power managers to report usage declines as zero change, said a chief executive in the power sector. Another top corporate executive in China with access to electricity grid data from Shandong and Jiangsu, two provinces in east-central China that are centers of heavy industry, said that electricity consumption in both provinces had dropped more than 10 percent in May from a year earlier. Electricity consumption has also fallen in parts of western China. Yet, the economist with ties to the statistical agency said that cities and provinces across the country had reported flat or slightly rising electricity consumption. Rohan Kendall, senior analyst for Asian coal at Wood Mackenzie, the global energy consulting firm, said coal stockpiled at the northern port of Qinhuangdao had reached 9.5 million tons this month, as coal arrived on trains faster than needed by power plants in southern China. That surpasses the previous record of 9.3 million tons, set in November 2008, near the bottom of the global financial downturn. The next three largest coal storage areas in China — in Tianjin, Caofeidian and Lianyungang — are also at record levels, an executive in China said. Many Chinese economic indicators already show a slowdown this spring, with fixed-asset investment growing at its weakest pace in May since 2001. The annual growth rate for industrial production has edged below 10 percent, while electricity generation was up only 3.2 percent in May from a year earlier and up only 1.5 percent in April. The question is whether the actual slowdown is even worse. Skewed government data would help explain why prices for commodities like oil, coal and copper fell heavily this spring even though official Chinese statistics show a more modest economic deceleration. Manipulation of official statistics would also provide a clue why some wholesalers of consumer goods and construction materials say sales are now as dismal as in early 2009. The keeping of accurate statistics for internal use by policy makers while releasing less grim figures to the public and financial markets may also help explain why the Chinese central bank unexpectedly cut interest rates this month. Studies by Goldman Sachs and other institutions over the years have strongly suggested that Chinese statisticians smooth out the quarterly growth figures, underreporting growth during boom years and overstating growth during economic downturns. And Chinese officials have raised questions in the past about the reliability of Chinese economic statistics. An American diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks shows that Li Keqiang, widely expected to become prime minister of China this autumn, said in 2007 that he regarded China’s broad measures of economic growth as ‘‘‘man-made’ and therefore unreliable.’’ Mr. Li told a U.S. diplomat that he looked instead to three indicators that he described as less likely to be fudged: electricity consumption, volume of rail cargo and the disbursement of bank loans. Jonathan Sinton, a China energy specialist at the International Energy Agency, said he had not heard of false data in China’s electricity sector, and he doubted it would be feasible at the five biggest power generation companies, which together produce half of China’s electricity. ‘‘If there is a problem, it is going to be located in the smaller producers,’’ he said, cautioning that even these producers would eventually have to submit accurate information to reconcile fuel, electricity and financial accounts. Stephen Green, a China economist at Standard Chartered Bank, said that the Chinese economy was still likely to recover this autumn as extra bank lending started to stimulate spending. But a survey of Chinese manufacturing purchasing managers released Thursday by HSBC and Markit and conducted independently of the government, gave the second-gloomiest reading for their businesses since March 2009. Only November of last year was worse, when many small and medium-size businesses faced a brief but severe credit squeeze.  

20110908 The International Herald Tribune (The International Herald Tribune): A different kind of domino effect Tiny Abkhazia is hoping world championships help bring recognition James Hill for The New York Times Playing dominoes on the promenade of Sukhumi, the Abkhaz capital. Players from nearly two dozen countries are expected in the city for the World Domino Championships in October. BY MICHAEL SCHWIRTZ

SUKHUMI, GEORGIA — After nearly two decades of searching mostly in vain for international acceptance of its independence from Georgia, Abkhazia has found an unusual ally. Though shunned by all but a handful of countries, Abkhazia is considered a respected — nay, vaunted — global power among the spotted-tile enthusiasts of world domino competition. Even before Russia became the first country to recognize Abkhazia as sovereign in August 2008, the International Domino Federation, which organizes domino competitions around the world, bucked Georgia’s protests and welcomed Abkhazia into its ranks as a full-fledged member. And next month, Abkhazia will play host to the World Domino Championships in its capital, Sukhumi. The honor, typically reserved for U.N. members, is a reflection of this obscure region’s prowess in a game that itself remains largely overshadowed by higher-profile games like checkers and chess. The federation’s 25 member countries chose Abkhazia in a unanimous vote last year in Las Vegas. Never mind that only four other countries, two of which are tiny Pacific islands, have followed Russia’s lead in recognizing Abkhaz independence. From Oct. 17 through 21, Abkhazia will be the center of the domino universe. ‘‘For us this is hugely significant, not only as an athletic competition,’’ said Ruslan Tarba, a journalist and domino enthusiast in Abkhazia. ‘‘People are going to come here and be able to see that we are not wild men climbing in palm trees, carrying automatic weapons. Most importantly for us is for people to leave convinced of the fact that Abkhazia was, is and will be an open and friendly country.’’ Though possessed of a stark natural beauty, Abkhazia, long a Soviet vacation spot on the Black Sea, looks by no means like a tame place for international competitions of any kind. Nearly 20 years have passed since Abkhaz rebels expelled Georgian troops in one of the bloodiest conflicts to erupt from the Soviet collapse. Buildings in Sukhumi remain pocked with damage from bullets and shrapnel. Several old hotels and restaurants are still in ruins, and the burned-out shell of the former government headquarters stands as a monument to the ferociousness of the fighting. But the rat-a-tat of Kalashnikovs has long since been replaced by another sound: the smack of ivory-colored dominoes hitting tables. Largely cut off from the outside world, the Abkhaz at first turned to dominoes — or domino, as it is called in most countries — as a remedy for endemic listlessness. Some have come to see the game as a tool for waging Abkhazia’s struggle for legitimacy. ‘‘Following the war that Abkhazia went through, every step forward we make, whether it is in domino or other areas, is an important one,’’ said Artur Gabunia, president of the Abkhaz Domino Federation. Since becoming internationally competitive in 2007, the Abkhaz domino team has gradually moved up in the rankings, taking 10th place in the team championships in Panama in 2009 and in the Dominican Republic last year. ‘‘They are very competitive,’’ said Manuel Oquendo, president of the National Domino Federation in the United States. Mr. Oquendo traveled to Abkhazia last year to check out the team. ‘‘The sport of domino is mainly concentrated in Latin America, so I was surprised to see people playing domino by the Black Sea. I was impressed.’’ Whether deserved or not, dominoes has the reputation of a game for idlers, and in that sense Abkhazia is fertile ground. After years of political and economic isolation, unemployment runs high, and there are plenty of people with a lot of time on their hands. On any given day, white-haired war veterans and fashionable young men in oversize sunglasses gather along the waterfront across from the Ritsa Hotel, one of the few fully restored buildings in town. Fueled by cigarettes and sweet coffee, the men play for hours in the shade of coastal pine trees. The competitions can get combative, with little sympathy afforded to dawdlers or the indecisive. ‘‘Faster, faster, faster,’’ Leonid Lolua, a former mayor of Sukhumi, chided a more pensive opponent during a recent game here. ‘‘Really, it’s a shame they don’t let me on the national team,’’ said Mr. Lolua, 67, thwacking his last tile down for a victory. Other men can be seen playing chess and sometimes cards, but the domino players seem to have command of the boardwalk. Women in this highly patriarchal society are rarely present at the tables, but locals insisted that they also played in their kitchens and courtyards. ‘‘In Abkhazia, almost everyone plays domino,’’ said Armen Mkrtchyan, a two-time Abkhaz champion who will be competing in October. Georgia, which considers Abkhazia to be a part of its territory, is apparently miffed about the championship. Officials from the International Domino Federation said Georgian envoys had approached them several times to try to persuade them to move the event elsewhere. Georgia is not a member of the federation. Giorgi Kandelaki, a member of the Georgian Parliament, said officials there had tried to dissuade would-be participants from attending by informing them about the plight of Abkhazia’s ethnic Georgians, many of whom were driven out during the war in the 1990s and refused re-entry. He did not say whether Georgia would take more overt measures against the event, for example by denying participants permission to enter Abkhazia through Georgia. They could still enter from Russia, however. Domino officials have vowed to press ahead, and Abkhaz officials have promised not to disappoint. Organizers expect more than 200 players from nearly two dozen countries, including the United States, to participate. The Abkhaz government, which is largely dependent on Russia for support, has said it would allocate $100,000 in prize money for the champion, the largest purse in the history of the event, domino officials said. It is not clear whether the decision to grant Abkhazia such recognition will help domino enthusiasts in their own push for more international recognition. After the championships in Sukhumi, officials from the International Domino Federation plan to restart a long-running campaign to make it an Olympic sport.  

20110516 The International Herald Tribune (The International Herald Tribune)

[…] the Disneyland Paris theme park, which was denounced by one French critic as a ‘‘cultural Chernobyl’’ when it opened in 1992.

201205, American Scientist website: Drier water?

More than a third of the world already suffers from shortages of potable water–with a rise to 50 percent expected by 2025. Desalination of seawater can help coastal communities address local shortfalls, although the process is costly, and releasing leftover brine back to the ocean has environmental implications. Now a new system promises to produce more drinkable water with less salty effluent. Someone please explain: there will be less but more salty effluent?

20111021, Science (AAAS) :  About the elusive neutrino

Science (20111021) just had an article on The sterile neutrino: Fertile concept or dead end. We are told (p. 304, right columns) that A neutrino can emerge when a nucleus of the isotope beryllium-7 turns into lithium-7 by capturing an electron and releasing a neutrino. How interesting! Does this mean that No neutrino can emerge when a nucleus of the isotope beryllium-7 turns into lithium-7 by capturing an electron and releasing no neutrino or maybe No neutrino can emerge when a nucleus of the isotope beryllium-7 does not turn into lithium-7 because it forgot to capture an electron and to release a neutrino? In fact, this also clarifies the title: when no neutrino is released, we have a dead end, while the fertile concept corresponds to the case where the (male) electron is captured by a (female) beryllium-7 and the neutrino is emitted. Source: A. Cho, 2011. The sterile neutrino: Fertile concept or dead end. Science 334:304-306.

20110105, BBC website : Bird watching or watching birds

Saudi Arabian officials have “detained” a vulture on accusations of being a spy for Israel, media reports say. The griffon vulture was carrying a GPS transmitter bearing the name of Tel Aviv University, prompting rumours it was part of a Zionist plot.

20100404,  BBC website : the art of saying what you have not said you didn’t say

US teenagers in Iowa ‘find body on egg hunt’. Two US teenagers on an Easter egg hunt have found a body in a park, police say. The two found the man’s body after they wandered away from their younger siblings on the hunt in Des Moines, Iowa. Police Sgt Chris Scott said the teenagers came across the man’s body in a wooded area of Beaverdale Park on Saturday morning. About 100 children were taking part in the annual event. Foul play is not suspected, police say, and an autopsy is planned for early next week, KCCI News in Des Moines reported. The name of the man, whose body was found at around 1000 (1500 GMT), has not been released while the family is being informed. Police would neither confirm nor deny reports that the body had been found hanging from a tree.

20090416 ,La Presse de Tunisie, page 8 : le python était entreprenant, le fermier avait du mordant

Une excellente illustration de l’utilisation des techniques modernes de communication dans le cadre de l’agriculture traditionnelle africaine.
Utilisation des techniques modernes de communication dans le cadre de l'agriculture traditionnelle africaine

  20090408, The Dawn (Islamabad), page 13 :  Rarest shark caught and eaten

The Dawn reports that fishermen from Donsol, Philippines, have caught a megamouth shark.”[…] So rare are megamouth shark sightings that each find is given a number – this one […] was only the 41st ever seen or captured in the world. […] it was butchered and its meat sauteed in coconut milk […] against the organisation’s (WWF) advice”. Seems that WWF do not like coconut milk!

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