
If you arrived here by chance, you deserve a word or two of explanations. This is the blog of a real-world person. Like all real world people I am sometimes Serious and sometimes Not so serious, and sometimes too I just let my mind wander and speculate on various subjects.

serious articles on climatology, global agriculture and food security


Serious side covers mainly climatology, global agriculture and food security

vaguely philosophical articles

Vaguely philosophical

Issues that puzzle me for various reasons, basically dealt with Seriously

Not so serious articles

Not so serious

Not so serious side is mostly made of subjectivity and a fair dose of derision

Eifel wddings


A geographic study of weddings in the Eifel: who married whom in the Eifel, and where.

life in Bonina


A small place in the deep Piedmont in north-western Italy

Latest posts

Anoxic utrification of Laurustine (Viburnum tinus L.) leaves (9/5/2024) Posted in: Serious Under anoxic conditions decaying Laurustine leaves (Viburnum tinus) can spontaneously inflate, i.e. fill with gas and some water, and become buoyant.
Sterput (9/4/2024) Posted in: Not so serious 1 C’est quoi, un sterput? Un sterput (on prononce le t final) c’est, dans une grande partie de la Belgique francophone, un dispositif à garde d’eau destiné principalement à recueillir les eaux de ruissèlement ou de nettoyage des sols. Ça s’appelle par ailleurs avaloir chez Wikipédia, dont est extraite la phase en italiques ci-dessus. Je […]
Piccolo resoconto di una piccola incursione di Popillia japonica a Camagna Monferrato, Regione Bonina (8/18/2024) Posted in: Bonina Infestazione di coleottero giapponese (Popillia japonica) nel 2024 a Camagna Monferrato, Piemonte.
A small case study of a “domestic” Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica) infestation in NW Italy (8/15/2024) Posted in: Serious Popillia, the Japanese beetle, has arrived in north-west Italy about 10 years ago, and it has been constantly spreading... creating havoc in agriculture and private gardens
How good are your old pendrives? (6/30/2024) Posted in: Serious We all have been accumulating a number of mass storage devices, in the form of external hard drives we use for backing up our data, as well as a variety of Pendrives or Flash drives. They have in common that they connect to your computer through a USB interface and that they become obsolete very […]
Intelligence artificielle et néanmoins militaire (5/5/2024) Posted in: Not so serious Le Secrétaire à la US Air force, Frank Kendall, a fait un tour dans un F16 X-62A piloté par Intelligence Artificielle. C’est dans Politico. On voit une photo où le Secrétaire chausse son casque et où il arbore son meilleur air méchant et inspiré, comme il sied à un Secrétaire à la USAF.  Le F16 […]
Protected: RUREX Timing of rural exodus (10/25/2023) Posted in: Eifel There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Meteo Comments (10/4/2023) Posted in: Bonina
EMIG – Numbers and timing of emigration (10/3/2023) Posted in: Eifel EMIG.1 Introduction The purpose of this post is specifically not to provide a detailed analysis of emigration out of the Project area. Instead, its specific purpose is to try and identify some patterns that may be of help when interpreting the fluctuations of the number of weddings as they appear in chapter WEDNUM. This includes […]
METHODS – Methodological issues (9/8/2023) Posted in: Eifel METHODS.1 A note on outliers in distances to Registry office (Standesamt) METHODS.1.1 The issue explained When plotting the average annual values of the distance between the place of birth of brides and locality of the Registry office where they married, figure METHODS-F01 below is obtained1. Considering that each point on the red curve is the […]