Wergosum's Random Blog
A real person's blog: some science (climate, disasters, food…), some fun, some generic comments… and some inconsistencies too!
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Carbonade flamande
Märchen, contes & Fairy Tales
Find subliminal and quasi-subliminal images in a film
Nous sommes une espèce pusillanime et suicidaire
More about pesticides in the European Union
Pesticide use in the European Union: the good, the bad and the ugly listed
Anoxic utrification of Laurustine (Viburnum tinus L.) leaves
Piccolo resoconto di una piccola incursione di Popillia japonica a Camagna Monferrato, Regione Bonina
A small case study of a “domestic” Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica) infestation in NW Italy
How good are your old pendrives?
Intelligence artificielle et néanmoins militaire
Protected: RUREX Timing of rural exodus
Meteo Comments
EMIG – Numbers and timing of emigration
METHODS – Methodological issues
Bonina weather
RELOR – Relative origin of spouses
ABSOR – Absolute origin of spouses
WEDWEEK – Wedding season
WEDDAY – Wedding weekday
Nos chats
About Truth
TYPOL – Typology of Registry office districts (Standesambezirk) based on scale-independent variables
SITEMAP – Map of the Eifel Weddings Project (Provisional)
Savon et moustiques
Biorythmes, mémoire (la mienne!) et Classic Words
LUCLIM – 1885 Land use and 1961-90 climate
Unknown known unknowns: Rumsfeld Vs Sharon-Rose Khumalo
VARENV – Environmental variables over time
HIST – A time of moving boundaries and variable weather!
Un jumeau numérique pour le Système alimentaire mondial?
DATA – List of downloadable data
LOCATIONS – Locating places and sampling the database
EXTENT – The project’s area, database and the “Project hull”
INTRO – Introduction to Project “Eifel Weddings”
Be my guest: save the Planet!
L’ extraordinaire durabilité du béton romain
How many cranes flew over Budapest airport on 4 November 2022 ?
Was ist los in Oberkail?
Du nouveau du côté de l’intelligence artificielle et de la multiplication des matrices
Wine: who makes it and who drinks it
L’ insomnie et ses remèdes
Disasters: sources of information and trends
Ah le bon français de Microsoft…
East African humanitarian crisis
Global grain stocks
Un succès mondial qui dure: l’école prussienne
Troubles du Déficit de l’Attention: les chasseurs sont parmi nous
Using an Amazon Kindle in Beijing
Why are US presidents taller than ordinary Americans?
Musique d’enfer au Paradis
Je suis Charlie. OK, mais qui suis-je, au juste?
Coup de tabac à Beijing
La France remporte enfin Waterloo? La saga continue!
African geomatics centres
Cellphone and internet boom in Africa!
Amazing maize…
NSA 62nd anniversary
The three rules of crop yield forecasting
Global food supply trends in 2014, and beyond!
Statistical Vs. agronomic significance in crop monitoring and forecasting
A practical joke by MicroSoft?
Using the simple “Miami” Net Primary Production (NPP) potential as a crop monitoring indicator
Un bien bon canular à base d’anus de porc et de calmar
Crop monitoring dialects
The return of the overbite
Mixing time series and cross-sectional data
Forecast and even planned: the Vajont dam disaster
The risky business of forecasting
What, if anything, happened during the Neolithic?
God(s) explained, somehow!
Pandemics and Tipping points
Civilisation-ending volcanic winter (note 1)
The cost of hunger and malnutrition
Climate change: vehemence Vs competence
Naming the invisible
Pseudo-ethnicity and neo-dogmatism
Projects that will (perhaps) save the planet
News from the future
Driven into the mountains…
Mountain climate(s)
Are all EC and UN languages really needed
Are neutrinos faster than thought?
Mixing oil, water and food in Saudi Arabia
Xenophobia: who’s immune?
La famine de 1845 en Irlande
Castors et Bieber, Bièvre et Fiber: vagabondage castoréen
Climate-crop impacts: some data issues
Exegesis of a scary and – therefore – often quoted passage from the second book of AR4 (II AR4, 9.4.4)
How to find information on a computer? (revised_02; 20100131)
The mandate of humanity
How difficult it is to be a climatologist…
Le droit d’ignorance, version soft
Les langues européennes se lisent de gauche à droite et de haut en bas, n’est-ce pas?
Recent rainfall and cattle trends in the Central-Western Sahel
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